Preparing for your Nurtured clinic consultation

You will have an hour with us to explore your concerns and we will aim to complete a feeding assessment in this time. It may be a good idea to tweak your routine on the day so that your baby is likely to feed during the time we have together, aiming for not ravenously hungry but also not too full and satisfied as to not be interested in feeding. 

What to bring:

  • Your baby ;)

  • Any feeding equipment you are using e.g. nipple shields, feeding bottles

  • Your breast pump and parts if you are expressing your milk

  • Your baby’s well child book (or other clinical records if you have any)

  • Please bring anything you are putting on your nipple or breasts e.g. balms and creams, gadgets, dressings or breast pads

  • Usual baby supplies for going out and about e.g. nappies, wipes, spare outfits, baby carrier

  • Support person / people

(If your consultation is via a home visit or telehealth please have these things handy.)

As a part of the assessment we will perform a physical examination on your baby including an oral examination as well as a breast exam for the breastfeeding or lactating parent as necessary.

After your Nurtured Clinic consultation:

We will email you a summary of your assessment with a list of our recommendations and suggested strategies. As is standard medical practice, we will routinely send a copy of this letter to your primary health care provider unless you do not wish for us to do so.

We will email you an invoice; payment is via internet banking. 

A 2 week period of follow-up via email and/or WhatsApp is included in your consultation. If you experience ongoing difficulties or if the strategies are not working, further appointments with us may be needed so we can reassess things and adjust the plan.

We welcome any feedback you might have at any time.