Nurtured: Behind the Scenes
Dr Katie and Dr Whitney, two doctor mamas with a special interest in breastfeeding medicine, chat about what life with babies is REALLY like and share things that will help to preserve your sanity and enjoy the parenting journey. Listen in to find the tools and confidence you need to be the parent you want to be and build the foundations of a lifelong loving relationship with your tamariki.
Join Dr Katie & Dr Whitney, two doctor mamas with a special interest in breastfeeding medicine, as they chat about all aspects of babies, parenting, and beyond.
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Dr Whitney and Dr Katie chat about their hopes and dreams for this podcast and contemplate the pitfalls of supporting whanau.
Dr Whitney shares her experience with breastfeeding pain and nipple trauma, introduction to La Leche League, and entering the field of breastfeeding medicine. We lament the lack of breastfeeding education in the medical curriculum in general.
Dr Katie unexpectedly experiences some of the most common boobie traps as a second time mum and knocks on ALL the doors in an attempt to save her breastfeeding journey.
Dr Katie and Dr Whitney review the turning point of her breastfeeding journey including some helpful strategies to boost milk production and baby's milk transfer. We reflect on the culture shock with coming to the La Leche League, where mothering intuitively can look so different to what is presented in the mainstream, and our shared enthusiasm for breastfeeding conferences.
Theresa and Dr Katie "unbox" the Action Folder of World Breastfeeding Week 2022 and reflect on what it would take for all levels of society to support breastfeeding. #WBW2022 #WABA #breastfeeding #worldbreastfeedingweek2022 #buildingbackbetter #stepupforbreastfeeding #educateandsupport #WarmChain
Dr Katie shares her new appreciation of having too much milk for the first time in her breastfeeding journey. Theresa shares some great tips on how to manage this.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation Consultant
We share tips on simple positional adjustments that helps babies protect their airway while feeding and the importance of giving our babies the time and space to organise themselves at the breast. As usual we digress into cultural and historical influences on the way we feed our babies.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation Consultant
More coming soon